SunFire consists of many sub-components to create a presentation layer for building rich, modern, and beautiful user interfaces quickly. SunFire is one of the major pillars in Universal Platform framework

Components Summary
Graphic Engine |
Render vector graphics to raster devices |
Raster bitmap filters |
Manage realtime animation |
Import raster and vector graphic files to SunFire |
Font Rasterizer |
Render vector glyphs |
Manage format and composition of text |
Import vector fonts |
Declarative UI |
Device-independent GUI components |
XML parsing, runtime building of UI forms |
Handle page-based navigation |
Runtime data <-> control binding |
Runtime input control validation |
Control layout management |
Platform-independent windows form |
Event routing management |
Platform-independent manager of keyboard, mouse, etc. |
Platform Specific Renderer |
Device-independent platform abstraction |
GDI+ .Net adapter |
OpenGL adapter |
DirectX adapter |
Abstract renderer for printing devices |
Bridge between SunFire controls and HTML controls |
Renderer for PDF file |
SunFire uses only CLS (Common Language Specifications) 1.1 and is POCO (Plain Old C# Object) conformant. As long as .Net framework 1.1 is support, SunFire can run smoothly. That means SunFire can run on Windows, Mac, and Linux.