THN's DAL is an abstraction layer that aims at freeing developers from dealing with the nuts and bolts of data management. DAL dramatically improve the the productivity and quality of developing data-aware applications.
Technical Paper:
Data Abstraction Layer: Independent from Data
(291KB, last updated: 08/07/2008, author: Nguyen, M. Hai)
Video Clip:
Introduction to DAL Technology
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DAL is designed based on the principle of database independency. Even though object-to-relational is a major feature, DAL is not bounded to relational databases. It can work with other types of database management system such as ODBMS, xml, web services, message queques, etc.
Not only that, DAL's open architecture allows high degree of extensibility. DAL can be used in in other tiers beside data tier (see FlexObj). Any component of DAL (query, query processing, object mapping, database) can be substituted by custom strategies to better suit specific needs.